
At Level One Urgent Care, we are proud to offer comprehensive vaccinations as part of our commitment to safeguarding the community against preventable diseases. With a focus on convenience, expertise, and patient-centered care, our urgent care clinic is your trusted partner in maintaining your health through vaccinations.

Our team adheres to the highest safety and efficacy standards in vaccine administration. We ensure that you receive the most current and evidence-based immunization protocols. 

From routine childhood vaccinations to specialized vaccines for travelers and adults, Level One Urgent Care provides a full range of vaccination options tailored to your needs.

Types of Vaccinations We Offer

Childhood Vaccines

At Level One Urgent Care, we offer a comprehensive range of childhood vaccines to protect your children against various diseases.

  • Hepatitis B Vaccine (HepB): Given shortly after birth and again at 1-2 months
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine (HepA): Administered between 12-23 months, with a second dose 6-18 months later
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP): Administered at 2, 4, and 6 months, between 15-18 months, and between 4-6 years
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b Vaccine (Hib): Given at 2 and 4 months, with possible doses at 6 months and between 12-15 months
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV13): Given at 2, 4, and 6 months and between 12-15 months
  • Rotavirus Vaccine (RV): Given at 2 and 4 months, and possibly at 6 months
  • Influenza Vaccine (Flu): Administered annually starting at 6 months
  • Polio Vaccine (IPV): Administered at 2 and 4 months, between 6-18 months, and between 4-6 years
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine (MMR): Given between 12-15 months and between 4-6 years
  • Chickenpox Vaccine (Varicella): Administered between 12-15 months and between 4-6 years

Adult Vaccinations

We offer a comprehensive range of adult vaccinations, whether you are due for a routine booster, planning to travel abroad, or have specific health concerns. 

  • Influenza (Flu) Vaccine: This vaccine is recommended annually to protect against seasonal flu viruses.
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine: It should be received every 10 years to prevent the three illnesses. 
  • Shingles Vaccine: It is recommended for adults over 50 to prevent shingles.
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine: This protects against pneumonia and is recommended for adults over 65 or those with certain health conditions.
  • Hepatitis A and B Vaccines: These vaccines are recommended for adults who did not receive them as children.
  • Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine: This vaccine is recommended for adults who have not had chickenpox or received it in childhood.
  • Travel Vaccines: Depending on destination and travel plans, adults may need vaccines to protect against diseases such as yellow fever, typhoid, and hepatitis A/B.

What to Expect During Your Visit

Our team guides you through every step of the process and ensures your vaccination visit at Level One Urgent Care is as comfortable as possible. From a brief consultation with our doctor to post-vaccination instructions, here's what you can expect during your visit.

Brief Consultation

Before administering the vaccine, you may have a brief consultation with our doctor. We review your vaccination history and discuss any concerns or questions you may have. 

Review of Medical History

As part of the consultation process, we review your medical history to identify any medical conditions or allergies that may affect your ability to receive the vaccine safely. Our team ensures that the vaccination is administered in a safe and comfortable manner.

Administration of Vaccine

We carefully administer the vaccine using the latest techniques and safety protocols. Our team ensures that you are comfortable throughout the process and provide guidance on how to minimize discomfort. 

Post-Vaccination Instructions

After receiving the vaccine, our team provides you with important post-vaccination instructions, such as expected side effects and how to manage them effectively. We may also discuss precautions or activities to avoid following vaccination where needed. 

Benefits of Urgent Care Vaccinations

We offer a comprehensive vaccination service at Level One Urgent Care to meet your diverse needs. The benefits of choosing our clinic for your vaccination needs include:

  • Extended hours and weekend availability
  • Flexible pay options
  • Experienced staff
  • Safe & sterile environment

Schedule Your Visit Today

When you visit Level One Urgent Care for a vaccination, you can expect a personalized and compassionate experience. From the initial consultation to the administration of the vaccine and beyond, our team guides you at every step. 

To schedule a consultation with our skilled practitioners, call us at 281-947-6160 or request an appointment online. Alternatively, simply walk into our clinic in Iowa Colony, TX.

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